Emissary Cares

Empowerment through Empathy

"“Empowerment through Empathy"

The Emissary Cares is a pioneering volunteering initiative providing the youngest global citizens with opportunities to act first-hand on the most distressing and consequential challenges of humanity.

The Emissary Cares collaborates with robust on-ground regional NGOs and governments/administrations to delve into prevailing challenges, contemplate constructive responses and produce potent results.

Redefining Volunteering – We believe volunteering for a better world to be an innate responsibility of global citizens and not a good-will job undertaken for professional or PR purposes.

“What we do, how we contribute, matters to us. It has an ineffable meaning to us.” - Vidarth Vyas Pradhan, Deputy Chairman.

The Emissary Cares aspires to capitulate and capitalise on the “willingness to act” of people from diverse nationalities, ethnicities and having varied capacities to contribute (in terms of material, time and eagerness). Constructing a collective global good-will to heal the Earth and its people in need.

We make people stand for people.

Awareness through Action – we believe for a true global citizen to be aware of the misery and challenges of her/his fellow companions in different regions of the planet. This awareness must best be attained through action, by experiencing and sharing the pain of those facing unfortunate circumstances and prevailing together. A sorrow-less world is not hard to imagine, therefore, possible to realise. Belief in the leadership of the future leaders: At The Emissary Cares, anyone can sign-up to be a volunteer and contribute as per their convenience. However, our leadership is entrusted in the hands of teenagers, who not only imagine a better world, but strive for it, each day, devoutly.

Tales of two volunteers:

1) Kusum, 16, from Jaipur, Rajasthan, joined The Emissary Cares in February 2022.

In her neighbourhood, she observed the plight of orphan children at a local orphanage, and lamented for them. Soon after joining The Emissary Cares, she shared the debilitating circumstances of the orphanage and expressed fervour to support the children. In July 2022, Kusum visited the orphanage to interact with the children and the staff. From her observations, and through cooperation of the staff, she formulated a detailed campaign and created a team to support the children – financially, materially and intellectually. The support campaign concluded in November 2022, raising finances to renovate classrooms, living halls and revamp the existing facilities. A new IT lab and library were set up. The children were made to participate in activities of their interest at The Emissary and were compassionately assisted by the team in their tasks. These participations amplified their analytical and academic abilities. Through the abundance of resources at The Emissary Cares, Kusum, channelled the plight of the children and her emotions throughout the world. She operated a successful campaign, backed by an ingenious IT team facilitating it digitally, and volunteers who engaged with local authorities to yield hope & dignity to children who always deserved the very best. Unlike the most of us, Kusum and our team successfully accomplished their basic human duties.

2) Nysa, 18, from New Delhi, joined The Emissary Cares in June 2022.

In August 2022, after reading a BBC article on the devastating famine-like crisis in Somalia, she pondered on ways to help provide life-saving relief to the people there. Nysa was determined to help end the perishing of the Somali people. She shared her detailed analysis of the on-ground situation and identified organisations to initiate a collaborative relief campaign. Inspired by Nysa’s unwavering commitment towards people she has never met or seen but knows are in trouble, our volunteers stoutly sided with her, providing her a team that was willing to take the leap to save people almost 4000 km away. From there on it was no looking back, Nysa and her team engaged with 11 NGOs operating in Somalia, assessed their on-ground capacities, and finally launched a collaborative relief campaign with two of the eleven identified NGOs. The campaign was composite in nature and provided multiple means to contribute in providing relief. Still on-going, the campaign has yielded significant resources to shore up operations of our partner NGOs in Somalia. However, Nysa and her team aren’t stopping, they simply can’t until hunger is annihilated across the country. Each day Nysa’s team comes closer to their objectives, and as they do, further extend the level of their mission.

Like Nysa all of us are anguished to read or see in the news, horrible incidents taking the toll on human lives. The difference is that Nysa acted and we don’t.

The Emissary Cares drives your agony to action

Kusum changed the lives of children in her neighbourhood while Nysa of people 4000 km away. They both empathised and pursued empowerment as the solution. They both and many like themselves around the globe – make The Emissary Cares.

“If volunteering is a section of your resume, you’d be a volunteer. If it is a genuine and devoted effort to better life, in any or all forms, then you’d be a changemaker. The Emissary Cares is a space for changemakers” - Atharv Singh, Chairman