Our Vision

Our Vision

A United Humanity; Pursuing Humanism

The Emissary, as the World’s First Teen-run Global Mass-media Network, intertwines the boisteroness of the youngest global citizens and the complexity of modern challenges. We aspire to capitalise on the unique energy of teenagers to revolutionise the mass-media sector and unite people around the world to collectively act on our common challenges and create our shared future. Through our work, we hope to realise the concepts of “Unity in Diversity” and “Cooperation is Progression”, globally.

In this process of global unification, The Emissary strives to uncover the strikingly inconceivable potential and capacities of the teenagers around the globe. Through a variety of engagements, we hope to provide dynamic experiences and exposures to these young citizens. Therefore, fostering them into a responsible generation of global citizens, bound together by their commitment to collective prosperity. The Emissary seeks to empower the youngest global citizens by enlightening them of international developments, their consequences and incentivising them to represent their unfazed thoughts and perspectives, globally.

Uncovering an aware and astute global citizenry, thriving on its aspirations for a peaceful, prosperous and progressive world.

It is through this highly motivated and committed upcoming generation that we seek to drive awareness and enlightenment to the hearts and minds of the people. Delivering to them fact-based and open-ended news & information, honing curiosity and intellectual thinking, to nurture a global society of thoughtful citizens, aspiring meaningful developments. Hence, uncovering a global citizenry that aspires a peaceful, prosperous and progressive world.

Our devotion to humanity’s collective progress is realised through unceasing efforts of stimulating public discourses, debates, intellectual thinking and curiosity. We do so by harnessing the vigour of mass-media. This furthers our agenda of a united global family empowered by the individual contemplation, introspection and ambition to do better, together

Making Learning, a leisure, again!

Have you ever wondered about the origin of the word – “school”?

The word “School” derives from the Greek scholê, which is translated as ‘leisure’ in English. In antiquity, leisure was connected to uninterrupted time to think and learn. Citizens of the bygone centuries aspired to this ideal and embraced a system of education called paideia. Its curriculum included the subjects of music, philosophy, rhetoric and poetry. According to ancient philosophers, the knowledge of these subjects and the embracement of learning could lead to both – virtue (excellence of character) and happiness.

The Emissary aspires to reinvent our global society by resurrecting the ancient embracement of learning and thinking. We believe these practices are more relevant today than ever, and hence, it is our vision to ready an aware and astute global citizenry. Not only do we wish to be a hub of knowledge, ideas and discourses but also a propeller of individual contemplating, perceiving and visualising. In accomplishing a global society, consisting of thinkers & ideals to its very core, we would have also secured ourselves a world free of hatred, division, conflict and cluttering contention

A prime function of Coteries, the power-engine of our network, is to inculcate curiosity through continuous discovery of facts and immersion in an atmosphere of learning, ideating and innovating. Coteries, pursuing over 75+ subjects ranging from Astronomy to Zoology, produce content in myriad formats that represent the unvarnished perspective of teenagers to the world and are the essence of The Emissary. They are also dedicated spaces for the youngest global citizens to discover, deliberate and take across the world their works, which is invigorated by a sense of curiosity and inquisitiveness.

Wish to be a Teenage Global Citizen?

If you sense the alignment of your aspirations with our vision and are ready to pursue both with consistent-passion and utter sincerity – then Join the World’s First Teen-run Mass-media Network and take your message to the world.