The Emissary: A Space for Teen Empowerment

The instilling belief that teen empowerment is not a foundation but a force that instigates the minds, and hearts and shapes the desires of many youths, is what we call change. A power that can unite the whole of humanity and turn into a cohesive unit, that not only empower teenagers but creates a global community of educated and skilled youth.

Teenagers today are the leaders of tomorrow and we strongly believe that they are intended to play a bigger role in building the future. In the course of learning and experiencing, teenagers today, shall develop as responsible individuals, where they have to cooperate, learn and grow together, and understand the importance of some leading global factors such as – Sustainable development, freedom of expression, equality, human rights, the necessity of quality education and the future of technology.

What is The Emissary?

The Emissary is a global mass media organization run solely by the astute teens of today. The Emissary aims at fostering a sense of teen empowerment in all teenagers across every dimension and strata of the globe, to unite them, combine their capabilities and provide a platform to develop as an individual and rise out of mediocrity to shine at a global level.

This is an unwavering foundation for the global network to instil a sense of “financial independence” and professionalism” early on in teenagers. We think that today’s youth are more inventive, imaginative, and clever than ever before. Therefore, The Emissary stands to provide a space for teenagers with a global perspective of every aspect through a variety of opportunities that gives essential exposure to people with similar interests to enrich them with greatly beneficial experiences to maintain and develop the magnificent potential of the youth.

A Space for Ambitious Teenagers

The Emissary is an opportunity for the youth, and we hope to give millions of teenagers access to endless chances and instil teen empowerment among all teenagers.  Given the critical stage, mankind is in right now, we recognize that today’s youth are capable of doing almost anything, and we think their optimism and excitement might be the world’s most powerful force for progress toward a better future. We give teenagers a place to work with opportunities for global perspectives, and these opportunities give them crucial exposures and experiences that help them grow as better, more self-assured individuals while also enabling them to break out of mediocrity and shine on the world stage.

The Emissary is a space for the youth to grow, develop and encounter the unthinkable realities, which will eventually lead them to a better future. As a space for teenagers, we provide a platform where we practice the literal freedom of expression so that teenagers with ingenious minds and ideas can display their thoughts eloquently. Our main goal right now is to connect with teenagers all over the world and encourage them to work together on various projects and actions in order to create a bright and better future for all of humanity.

Together for a Better Future

The Emissary aims to facilitate a comfortable working space for teenagers in form of ‘Coteries‘ where their ideas can develop collaboratively and the final results be presented to the masses. To jointly undertake work with other establishments in a variety of sectors and jointly deliver on them, we thrive on the fundamental idea of cooperation to deliver better results both at the individual and organizational levels.

Thriving on ingenuity and creativity, The Emissary foresees a better and combined future for all humanity. We believe that “Cooperation is Progress”, a term coined by our team of teenagers. Amongst thousands of reasons that can cause conflict and divide humanity, The Emissary aspires to be a uniting bridge and face all emerging global crises together. This is only possible by keeping a holistic and inimitable perspective on everything. We intend to make every member and young participant our stakeholders who will work together in building the future.

Coteries for Teenagers

The main goal is to assemble dedicated teams of teenagers that are deeply committed to following as many things as possible that interest them. It involves not only bringing together young people with similar interests, but also fostering their creativity, ingenuity, and drive to pursue their passions and produce unmatched outcomes through teen empowerment. Coteries are needed for the development of people’s natural curiosity and creativity, thereby fostering both. A Coterie is a group of 10 to 15 committed teenage members from all over the world who follow and deliver on a certain topic together through various means and ways. In such a way, each member of The Emissary will join the Coterie on the subject or issue that they are most enthusiastic about and hence, empower and educate others with shared knowledge and insights.


The Emissary is a space where teenagers from all over the world are bound by a sense of camaraderie which in turn shall be developed through their combined efforts for good of the planet and our kind in uncountable ways. Teens can thrive, climb, and conquer in a place where they are given a space to try, fail, and fall. A space where teens are empowered, and skilled to walk together on the path to a better future.

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