The Collective Representation of

the Global Teenage Citizens

We bring forth the original perspectives & interpretations of teenagers on the most critical & challenging issues of the world.

What’s Happening

The Emissary is bustling with multifarious global pursuits of boisterous teenagers around the world, get a glimpse of what happens around

What’s Happening

The Emissary is bustling with multifarious global pursuits of boisterous teenagers around the world, get a glimpse of what happens around

Latest from The Emissary


A Colossal Humanitarian Predicament Enshrouded in a Debilitating World

Sudan, the African continent’s third largest country, has long remained a wreckage of civil wars, dictatorships and other conflicts, however, the already dire humanitarian crisis in the country has not been as parlous as it is now. Recently, the World Food Programme warned that Sudan could soon become the site of “the world’s largest hunger crisis” without a cessation of hostilities.


AI Dynamics in Global Financial Institutions: Reshaping International Economic Relations

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a pervasive force across all industries, reshaping the global workforce and fundamentally altering the dynamics of economic relations. With half of today’s workforce reliant on AI tools like ChatGPT and other Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) software, the impending disruption is undeniable. It is projected that by 2025, AI will claim approximately 85 million jobs, leading to significant lay-offs…..


Trump Assassination Attempt & the “MAGA” Pandemonium in the most Polarised US Presidential Race

The world is in a veritable cataclysmic moment, war is ravaging in Europe and the Middle East, fear is quashing hope in Eastern Asia as the likes of Russia and China place their bets on overwhelming the so-called powers of the “free world”. As freedom in sooth comes under existential threats across regions of the world, the race to elect the “leader of the free world” could not have been a bigger disappointment. The assassination attempt on former US President Donald John Trump, as he delivered a speech in Butler, Pennsylvania, piqued the harrowing ruination of American democracy that only stands to embolden Putin, Xi, and others who revel in the explicit show of the brazen rottenness that has become the US society.

The Global Vision We Stand for

We envision a world where prosperity is achieved through the constant vigil of aware & prudent global citizens. We further strive to compel citizens of the world into action for the realization of this shared vision. The Emissary was conceived to address humanity’s greatest common challenges through the collective prowess of teenagers around the world.

Mass Media & Teens

The Emissary is an epoch-making attempt to proffer the aspirations of the youngest global citizens as the solution to the most consequential world challenges. We do this through the dynamism & vigor of mass-media. A global platform for the interfacing of mass-media’s potent & teenagers’ zest. We intertwine the two most pivotal instruments in the making of our combine future.

Teens with Ambitions?

We envision a world where prosperity is achieved through the constant vigil of aware & prudent global citizens. We further strive to compel citizens of the world into action for the realization of this shared vision. Are you a teenager with ambitions exceeding the capacity of traditional institutions. If yes, then The Emissary is your medium to rise out of mediocrity & flare globally.

Explore Working With Us —

Ideas of Emissary

Unity In Diversity

Recognising and embracing the mutuality and interdependence between people around the globe to unleash the collective promise of mankind in the creation of our shared future.

Cooperation is Progression

Espousing world-wide concord as the principal and most efficient means to achieve marvels in global peace, security and prosperity.

My Planet, My Actions

Highlighting individual ability to influence and undertake extraordinary measures, unbridling tremendous worthiness, innovation and evolution in our world.

One Earth . One Family . One Future

One Family . One Future: Harnessing the facility of mass-media to endeavour mankind’s unison as a family with relished differences but a shared destiny, bettered by collective action.

Aware Citizens, Affluent Society

Laying the onus of contemplating, perceiving, introspecting and visualising on each global citizen to prevail the virtues of truth, rightfulness and welfare in the global society

Democratic Development

Democratic Development

Our Leaders

The Emissary is a creation of high school students, therefore, aspirations, vision, willingness and dynamic energy were innate for us.
The Emissary was born out of the desire of three grade 11 boarding school students – disturbed by global developments, they sought a medium to change the world for better – they created that medium, they are our founders.

The Story of our BIRTH

The Story of our BIRTH: 2021, Atharv Singh and Keertidev Chandel, two dear friends studying at Mayo College, agreed with one another on the need of a global movement, encompassing the myriad shades & ideas of people across the planet, capable of addressing humanity’s greatest common challenges, and in the process knit the global family closer than ever. They deliberated on the idea while playing ping-pong (table tennis). However their ambitions were on thin ice until another dear friend, Vidarth Vyas Pradhan, propelled them to pursue the ambit of the idea. At the time, the three International Affairs & Politics aficionados were collaboratively heading - Young Diplomat – a blog on social sciences operated by high school students. Therefore, it was not arduous for them to team up on what would become The Emissary.

By January 2022, after exploring the horizon of the idea, they finally had the concept of their envisioned global movement – a mass-media network to be exclusively operated by teenagers. They hoped to express to the world - the perception of the youngest citizens through the multi-dynamic strength of media. They believed for ‘youth’ (teenagers) and ‘media’ to be the most critical instruments in the shaping of our shared future. ‘The Emissary’, literally – archaic for a diplomat, was named by Vidarth Pradhan. Atharv & Keertidev had proposed the name “Earthian Faire” – a grotesque combination of unknowable English & French, in some way calling for the “Earthians” to act. The platform was launched on May 28, 2022 by the Indian Minister for Environment in New Delhi.

Hear from Our TEAM

The best aspect of The Emissary is that "From a small suggestion to a big decision-Everything is respected and valued." The largest fallacy, that one must be an adult to follow one's passions in the actual world, is debunked. And The Emissary responds to the fundamental query, "Why not teens?

Nupur Dham

The best part about working here is that there is absolute freedom to voice your thoughts and ideas. I feel validated and it is just amazing to be a part of this wonderful family! Emissary has given me exposure like no other. From organising a fundraiser and calling down influencers to interviewing dignitaries; all of this makes me awed and at the same time empowering!

Radhika Bhardwaj

For me, joining the Emissary gave me a moment of epiphany; to get out of my comfort zone and be my authentic self. I never believed that I could be a leader until I became one. The sense of fulfillment I feel after turning my ideas into reality has given me purpose and confidence. I don't think I could've done that without the help of 'The Emissary'.

ananya gupta
Ananya Gupta

The Emissary Universe